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Thursday, October 31, 2013

zt: 韩国首席妈妈培养6名哈佛耶鲁博士的家教心得









☆  妈妈们要懂得发展自我

☆  绝对不要为孩子牺牲自己

☆  创造一个在什么地方都能打开书本的环境

☆  感情好的夫妻,更容易成为成功的父母

☆  打开孩子心灵的方法

☆  与孩子沟通的诀窍

☆  让孩子不用督促也会主动学习

☆  孩子面临选择,父母如何引导


☆  妈妈们要懂得发展自我




    记得在我的孩子即将进入高中的时候,我也面临过继续工作还是照顾家庭的选择。当时为了从财团那里争取到更多的研究经费,我如火如荼地开展了工作,并投入了 很多的时间和精力。但在孩子面临升学问题,需要对话和勉励时,我仍然选择了孩子们。社会学学会的活动刚好订在孩子正式开学的前夕,在我的专业领域里,这是 非常重要的聚会,但是我几乎没有去参加过。


    对我来说,领取研究经费当然也很重要,不过相较于正需要指导和帮助的孩子,就变得不那么重要了。毕竟,研究经费这次领不到,下次还有机会再申请。但是,孩 子的青春期错过了一次,就不会再来。如果因为自己的一时疏忽,导致孩子不能稳定地度过这段时间,那么,孩子今后的人生可能要走很多弯路。所以,我选择了比 学者更重要的母亲的职责。



    在与孩子对话、试图说服他们的过程中,我了解到真正能解决孩子们问题的人只有我。所以,在事业和家庭的先后顺序上,孩子理所当然成为了我的首选。其实,如果父母准确恰当地安排好了工作和家庭的先后顺序,那种焦躁感自然就会消失,而最初 左右为难的心情也会在作出选择的那一刻变得舒坦和开朗。

☆  绝对不要为孩子牺牲自己

    我怀上第一个孩子的时候,心情很焦虑。我日思夜想怎样做个好父母,怎么才算好父母,加上当时又没有别人的指导,连相关的书籍也找不到。我陷在这样的焦虑 中,不能自拔。后来,我想起了我的父母,回忆起他们对我的教育过程,瞬间,不只是育儿问题,就连人生问题也好像是重新聚焦了一样,变得清晰明朗起来。


    我从小时候他们对我的教导为起点,重新回顾了我的人生。这真是一次漫长而获益匪浅的过程。在回忆中,点点滴滴的细节,如同养分重新滋养了我的内心。对我来 说,怀孕不仅是做母亲的开始,而且也是作为一个人,重新考虑今后的路、该做什么以及不该做什么等问题的宝贵契机。




    要想成为最好的引导者,父母首先要思考自己的人生目标。为了目标,计划好自己的人生,日积月累,始终进步,并有能力去帮助和影响他人,方能成为孩子的好榜 样。如果父母没有这样的能力,不能给孩子适当的指导和帮助,不能让孩子从内心里感到敬佩,那么,孩子们自然不会向他们学习,即使他们为父母的养育之恩感激 不尽。

    仅仅有能力养育孩子,却没有能力引导孩子的父母,并不是合格和优秀的父母。父母自己一定要有目标意识,即使为人父母了,也要继续努力。父母的人生应该是完 整的,不能被孩子所隔断。做到这点,反而会比无条件牺牲更难。但是,这才是真正爱孩子,也爱自己的父母要选择的路。

    在这一点上,我们要想想,现在我对孩子的所作所为是不是出于真正的爱?我是否被一定要为孩子无条件牺牲的这种价值观所包围,执着于孩子,而忽视了让自己成 为被孩子所尊敬和爱戴的父母?我是否将孩子看作是去完成自己未完成的梦想的代理人?父母生育了孩子,但并不能拥有孩子。父母和孩子从一开始就是各自独立 的,大家都有自己的人生之路要走,如果爱孩子,就要从“好母亲情结”中摆脱出来,努力做自己。


☆  创造一个在什么地方都能打开书本的环境





    在我们家,书桌并不仅仅是单纯的装饰家具,而是用于学习的特别家具。先生费心为我准备书桌,是因为他不但将我看做他的妻子,更将我视为一名学者,所以这张 书桌才显得更加珍贵。每天晚上刷完碗之后,我就坐在书桌前学习;哄着孩子们睡觉之后,我也会坐在书桌前继续学习。看到母亲努力学习的样子,孩子们自然而然 将学习当做是生活的一部分。



    因为有这样的先生,我们家里到处都是书桌。到我们家里做客的人都会问:“你们家里的书桌为什么这么多?”六个兄弟姐妹加上我们夫妻,每人有一个书桌,这样 就是八个了。但是我先生并没有满足于此,他在房东设计好的地下游乐室里摆上了一圈书桌,把房间布置成了一个图书馆。这下,我们家里的每个人都有两个书桌 了。为了让孩子们的朋友来我家时也能够学习,就又多准备了两张。在不太大的家里,光书桌就有19个,再加上餐桌和茶几有时也充当了书桌的作用,算起来就更 多了。


    孩子们放学回来,首先会马上完成当天的作业,然后去地下图书室,做其他自己喜欢的功课,最后才出去玩。家里书桌比较多,因此在孩子们学习的时候,如果有朋 友来玩,就会坐在一旁的书桌上跟着一起写作业或者读书。附近邻居都说,到了我们家,孩子们就会开始学习,甚至有些父母会在每天下午的时候把不愿意学习的孩 子们送到我们家里来呢。我们家里的地下图书馆,既是我们家孩子的图书馆,也成了附近孩子们下课后的图书馆。

    最近,我还发现有些父母为了孩子,将房间装饰得很漂亮,但是房间里却看不到父母希望孩子们学习的心意。而在我们家,一个房间首先要布置的就是书桌,这样放 置其他家具的空间相对缩小了,看上去总会显得很拥挤。此外,先生怕书桌的边角过于锐利会碰伤孩子们,所以全部削下来了。又不是专业的木匠,他的手艺不可能 做得好看。如果不知情的人看到,还以为好好的家具被弄坏了呢。



☆  感情好的夫妻,更容易成为成功的父母



    有些人认为我和先生的感情会特别好,或者共同点非常多。但其实,    我们与其他夫妻没有什么不同。也并不是说我们不吵架,只是一开始我们就很了解对方的长短处,所以,遇到分歧,我们更懂得尊敬和认可,而不是粗暴地拌嘴或大吵大闹。


    我和先生在学问研究上有很多共同点,但在琐碎的生活上,却有很多分歧。例如,他对什么都很节省,我则不然。虽然我也不是喜欢浪费或奢侈的人,但在具体细节 上经常跟先生发生冲突。如果要请客,我喜欢准备很多材料,这个、那个,丰盛而周到。他却看不惯,每次都跟我强调说,不要忘了工读生的身份。我就不同意,我 们是在请客,难道不该比平常好一点吗?




    我非常难过,但忍着不跟他吵架,并且,我知道我们之间差异的原因,并不是因为他不好客,而是成长环境不同。我的父亲是个企业家,我从小生活优越,而母亲也 特别注重饮食;而先生从小离家过寄宿生活,不同的环境,肯定会有不同的生活方式和待客标准。通过与丈夫的不断对话,我们彼此慢慢认同了这种差异。


    尽管我们尽量避免,但争执还是有的。若被孩子们发现我们在吵嘴,我就会想起母亲曾说过的“一个家庭里面至少得有一个唱红脸的”这句话,而我也这样告诉孩子 们,跟他们讲,要允许差异的存在,夫妻之间的差异在家庭生活中也有益处。当然,在孩子面前,我从来都是为丈夫树立父亲的权威。

    这也是母亲的角色。如果母亲不尊重作为父亲的丈夫,孩子也不会认可父亲的权威,这样一来,父亲的教导就无法站住脚。反之亦然。在妻子成为母亲的瞬间,丈夫 就要开始树立妻子的权威。如果丈夫尊重妻子、认可她的权威,孩子们才会尊敬、跟随母亲。如果丈夫无视妻子,孩子们也会无视母亲;同样,如果母亲无视丈夫, 会使孩子们敌视他们的父亲。

    我认识一个女孩子,很优秀,很懂事,但是她告诉我,她最大的苦恼就是处理不好跟母亲的关系。原来,她的父亲嫌弃妻子没出息,一直跟她说,千万别像你妈妈那 样。所以这个女孩从小就跟妈妈疏远,长大后她才意识到这种疏远大大地伤害了母亲,也伤害了自己。但是再想恢复,谈何容易。






☆  打开孩子心灵的方法

    我们家每天早上一定要一起吃早餐,这为我们的交流提供了好时机。无论有什么样的状况,无论有多忙,在家里的家人都要一起吃早餐,这是我的先生定下的原则。 不单单是因为吃早饭对人体的重要性,还因为能够让自己从每天早上开始认知“家庭中的我”。在新婚的时候,我非常厌烦这样的原则,但是在养育孩子的时候却发 现这是非常好的习惯。

    早上看到孩子们的表情和氛围就能大概猜出孩子身上发生的事情了,并且能够轻易地提出问题。看到比较忧郁的孩子,母亲就能表示关心了。但是表示关心并不等于 直接向他们提出问题。直接问的话,不但不能让孩子感受到你是想跟他交流,反而让他觉得被你发现了什么事情。尤其是对于处在青春期的孩子,他们的情绪波动很 厉害,叛逆、烦恼、忧郁……负面情绪一大堆。如果父母不知道问题所在就直接去问,会使孩子反感,追问太多,则只会让孩子陷入更加混乱的状态当中。





    另外,要注意引入交流的时机,最好不要直接跟孩子说“我们来谈谈吧”。    这种单刀直入的形式,会让开始交流之前的氛围变得尴尬又生硬,孩子也很难一下子对你敞开心扉。与孩子一起做他所喜欢的事情,购物啊、看电影啊、看电视啊 等,自然地营造一个两人时间,氛围变得轻松自然了,聊天就可以开始了。









    以这种形式提出其他问题,了解孩子当时所处的状况,就可以了解关于孩子人脉关系的情报。如果孩子说有其他的竞争者,在班长竞选中觉得比较困难,就不能直接 拿他跟那个竞争者做比较。要给孩子思考的机会,让他自己整理好思路。这样一来,他自己就能够分析出竞争者的优缺点,并在日后加以改正。



☆  与孩子沟通的诀窍


    遇到这种情况的父母,应该好好反思一下到底是谁的问题。我个人认为,孩子不跟父母沟通,主要是因为他觉得跟父母沟通没有意义。一来,父母不理解他,总是从 自己的角度教育他;二来,父母不能提出建设性或者启发性的建议。如果跟父母说说心里话,父母总拿自己的经验大做文章,听不进孩子的想法,不尊重孩子的选 择,这样的话,哪个孩子还愿意跟父母谈心呢?





    “东柱,不要认为这件事是你跟这个财团的最后一件事,要把它当做这是你们之间合作的开始。毕竟,最终的结果还没有定下来,你还有努力的机会。如果你真的对 自己的研究项目有信心,就接受结果吧。不要在背后不满和抱怨,那样无济于事,别人也不会知道。去联络评价你研究项目的人,问清楚你的研究项目为什么被拒 绝、不足在哪里、为什么没有给你研究费用,借此再次有条理地向那个人说明你研究项目的优点吧。”




    我自己非常珍惜这样的经验,不仅让自己有所收获,同样也能给孩子的成长提供帮助,我特别有做父母的成就感。所以,我以我的经验告诉所有的父母,一定要让自 己成长,不断想办法提升自己的人生,解决自己人生中的问题。这样,当孩子需要帮助时,我们才能担当起一个有意义的角色,而不是陪着孩子一起发愁。





    有些家长说,孩子跟自己没话说;也有些家长说,自己不懂现在的孩子在想什么。其实,当孩子渐渐长大,他的生活内容会发生很大变化,思想也会跟着不断变化, 一天一个想法。父母需要了解孩子的生活和思想,才能走近孩子的内心。 这样,真的聊起来,父母和孩子之间可以聊的东西有很多。

    如果父母不懂孩子的世界,就会感到心有余而力不足,即使很想给孩子帮助,也找不到方法,父母和孩子之间的一扇门被关闭了。父母不能为孩子指明方向,长期这 样的话,孩子和父母都会有挫折感。孩子按照孩子的想法,父母按照父母的想法,没有更好的解决途径,双方只能在自己的世界里互相观望。

☆  让孩子不用督促也会主动学习









    你看,孩子的才能就是这样一点点锻炼起来的,不是为锻炼而锻炼,而是在帮助别人的同时悄悄生长起来的,就像你无心撒下的种子,没有刻意等待,说不定哪天它 就发芽了。我知道,这次活动带给孙女的喜悦和成就感,会鼓励她以后投入到更多更大型的公益活动中去,而这些活动也会令她今后的路越来越坚实和开阔,让她和 她周围的人都受益。想到这些,我很放心,也很欣慰,心中的骄傲和感动是无以言表的。

    这也证明了,比起才华来,品格更能带给他人感动。现在,只要孙儿们参加帮助他人的活动,我就会感到非常高兴。后来,他们果真都陆续做了很多事情,有的为海 啸遇难者家属募集资金;有的在法律事务所为那些艾滋病患者代写遗嘱;有的穿越大半个美国,给穷人建房筹集环境基金;还有的帮助那些不能公开遗嘱的人们代书 亡后法律事务文书……

    孩子们始终有个目标:自己的学习和努力都是为了帮助那些不幸的人们。一旦这样的意识在他们内心扎根、生长,慢慢成为一种信念,他们就会获得无限的力量。他 们会全心全意去实现这个目标,而为了实现目标,他们会努力增长自己的体力和才华,使自己变得强大起来,就像他们的父母——我的六个子女——一样。








☆  孩子面临选择,父母如何引导



    子女教育并不是一定要刻意去教些什么,和学校教育一样,子女教育并不是教育的全部。事实上,与学校相比,在家庭这个相对轻松的环境中,父母的教育最好不要 有太浓的教育痕迹,父母只要做好孩子的榜样,将自己通过经验得到的智慧提供给孩子,帮助他们自主地找到答案就可以了。





    所以,当孩子在做某种选择的时候,不要提前告诉他答案,不要替他做选择,要引导他,让他综合考虑一下做出每种选择会带来什么样的结果。这是一种处事思维方 式的锻炼和培养。有了综合思考问题的思维,孩子就会做出比较好的选择。并且,由于这是他自己经过考虑后作出的决定,所以面对问题时他会更有责任感。


    在引导孩子的过程中,父母既要放低自己,同时也要抬高自己。放低自己的意思是说,父母要跟孩子一起面对他的人生问题,而不是高高在上、指手画脚;同时抬高 自己是说,父母要善于把握方向,从更高远更周到的角度给孩子提出建设性的建议和指导,而不是跟孩子一起踌躇不决。父母是孩子的同行者,但同时,也是孩子的 灯塔,照耀着前行的路,让孩子更清晰地看到自己的方向。

    做到这一点,其实不容易,要很用心才行。我为了能够帮助孩子们找到他们的兴趣和发展方向,从小就注意聆听孩子们的话,也向他们提了很多问题,并且跟他们交 流自己的想法。但我从没有为他们规定过具体的方向,比如他们一定要去哪个大学读书,或是要做什么样的工作。我只是一直注意培养他们的思维习惯,让他们自己 思考一些问题,比如“你们认为哪些人比较受尊重?”“为什么那些人受到尊重?”或是“你为什么要想走那条路?”“如果你这么选择后,长远地看,会怎么样 呢?”等等。当孩子知道问自己这些问题了,他的未来,基本就不太需要家长担心了。

    在美国,每到三月份,因为子女面临升学,父母和孩子之间就会经常起摩擦。有的孩子因为不能进入自己理想的大学而焦躁和烦恼,这时,有的父母非但不去安慰他 们,反而催促他们找工作,或者是责怪他们。家长这样的做法会很严重地伤害到孩子,让孩子的人生变得艰难,因为他们既要面对自己不够理想的人生状况,又要承 担起父母的失望情绪,压力重重。这个时候,孩子需要的是父母的理解、关爱和引导。一旦你把决定权交给孩子,他会特别认真地对待,并且会完成得相当好,甚至超出父母的意料。 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Two Books reviewed by Emma

7 Habits of Happy Kids

Big questions from little people and simple answers from great mind

Age-Appropriate Chores for Children

WebMD Feature

Reviewed by Roy Benaroch, MD
Doing chores is a tradition in many families. Chores help kids learn responsibility, and sharing chores gives you help around the house.
Not sure your kids will go for it? Take heart! There are ways to make chores a little bit, well, less of a chore for everyone.

The Value of Chores for Children

Parenting expert Jim Fay, co-founder of the Love and Logic website, says we all need to feel needed and to know that we're making a contribution -- even kids. "But they can't feel that way if they don't have chores and make contributions to the family," Fay says.
Roger W. McIntire, University of Maryland psychology professor and author ofRaising Good Kids in Tough Times, says, "A child has to have some responsibilities."
That may all sound fine, but how do you get your kids onboard?

Pitfalls to Avoid When it Comes to Chores

Don't insist on perfection. No one is perfect, and it's better to have a more relaxed approach to how well your kids do  their chores. Otherwise, McIntire says, you might have a struggle on your hands. Or you might jump in and do it for them, which would undermine the whole point.
Don't delay. You might think your child is too young. But your kids may be more capable than you think. Kids can do a lot of chores at an early stage, McIntire says. For example, getting clothes to the laundry or cleaning up after dinner. "We hold back too long because we think they ought to be ready first. But that puts the cart before the horse," he says. That is, they'll learn by doing.
Don't be stingy with praise. Get that praise going right away! Don't wait until the chore is done. Praise and encourage the child while the chore is in progress. You want to build positive momentum, especially with young kids.
Don't be inconsistent. Elizabeth Pantley, author of parenting books including Kid Cooperation: How to Stop Yelling, Nagging, and Pleading and Get Kids to Cooperate, says if your kids aren't expected to regularly follow through, they might start putting chores off in the hope that someone else will do them for them.

Make a Chores Chart

"Create a list of every job it takes to keep a family going," Fay says. Have kids pick out the chores they'd most like to do. Then create a chart.
First, check that everyone has an age-appropriate chore. Then divide the chart into three columns. One is for the list of chores and whose chore it is; another is for deadlines; the last one is for making a check mark when the chore is done. Put the chart where everyone can see it and let everyone follow through on their own assignments.
You might actually find it easiest to have two charts: one for daily household chores and one for weekly household chores.
Here are two more tips:
  • Be specific with instructions. Pantley says, "'Clean your room' is vague and can be interpreted in any number of ways. Instead, be explicit by saying, 'Put your clothes in the closet, books on the shelf, dishes in the kitchen, and toys in the toy box.'"
  • Ease into chores for children. First, show them how to do the chore step by step. Next, let your child help you do it. Then have your child do the chore as you supervise. Once your child has it mastered, she's ready to go solo.
  • Go easy with reminders and deadlines. You want the chore to get done without you micromanaging it. Pantley recommends the "when/then" technique. For example, say, "When the pets are fed, then you may have your dinner."

Allowance for Chores?

Should your child get an allowance for chores? Usually not, say most parenting experts.
Chores are partly about responsibility and partly about learning household tasks. They're not focused on earning money. Yes, kids need to learn how to handle money, but not by doing chores they're supposed to do anyway.

It's especially important to not tie allowances to chores for younger kids, Pantley says. That's because a younger child may be less motivated by money and simply choose to not do them.
There's an exception: For older kids who already know how to be responsible, money can become a nice motivator for doing extra chores above and beyond their usual tasks.
Fay suggests letting them bid on those extra chores and picking the lowest bid.

Age-Appropriate Chores for Children

Your child may be able to do more than you think. "Keep in mind that a child who has mastered a complicated computer game can easily run the dishwasher," Pantley says.
In general, she says, preschoolers can handle one or two simple one-step or two-step jobs. Older children can manage more. Here are her pointers on kids' chores by age:
Chores for children ages 2 to 3
  • Put toys away
  • Fill pet's food dish
  • Put clothes in hamper
  • Wipe up spills
  • Dust
  • Pile books and magazines
Chores for children ages 4 to 5
Any of the above chores, plus:
  • Make their bed
  • Empty wastebaskets
  • Bring in mail or newspaper
  • Clear table
  • Pull weeds, if you have a garden
  • Use hand-held vacuum to pick up crumbs
  • Water flowers
  • Unload utensils from dishwasher
  • Wash plastic dishes at sink
  • Fix bowl of cereal
Chores for children ages 6 to 7
Any of the above chores, plus:
  • Sort laundry
  • Sweep floors
  • Set and clear table
  • Help make and pack lunch
  • Weed and rake leaves
  • Keep bedroom tidy
Chores for children ages 8 to 9
Any of the above chores, plus:
  • Load dishwasher
  • Put away groceries
  • Vacuum
  • Help make dinner
  • Make own snacks
  • Wash table after meals
  • Put away own laundry
  • Sew buttons
  • Make own breakfast
  • Peel vegetables
  • Cook simple foods, such as toast
  • Mop floor
  • Take pet for a walk
Chores for children ages 10 and older.
Any of the above chores, plus:
  • Unload dishwasher
  • Fold laundry
  • Clean bathroom
  • Wash windows
  • Wash car
  • Cook simple meal with supervision
  • Iron clothes
  • Do laundry
  • Baby-sit younger siblings (with adult in the home)
  • Clean kitchen
  • Clean oven
  • Change their bed sheets

Emma is 7, these are what she is doing now:

1. put away laundry for everyone (2 times a week)
It take her more than an hour to finish it. Although she still couldn't do it really well, sometimes put the clothes in the wrong place, sometimes drop the clothes under the bed, but it really helps me.

2. Bring in the mail 

I asked her to bring in the mail every time she comes back from school. This is an easy task.

3. toast the bread for herself

4. Clean the play room (once a week)
She works this together with her little brother.

5. Put clothes in hamper (everyday)
I still need to remind her. She always just take off her clothes and leave it on the floor.

Chores that I plan to let her do the next:

1. unload the utensils from dish washer (every day)
2. empty wastebaskets
3. Clean up her own room (once a week)

Aiden 4 years old, this is what he does now:

1. Clean the play room with his sister
2. Sort the laundry
He still don't do it good, makes tons of error, the good thing is his sister will supervise him on that.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

zt: how to practice piano?

Benefits of Piano Lessons for Children & Teens:

Concentration - Reading music requires total concentration. While playing the piano, the student must concentrate on reading two lines of music, while using ten fingers, both ears, and one foot. Learning to play the piano allows a child to exercise all these skills in a constructive manner. 

Hand-eye Coordination - Children who take piano lessons often perform better in sports because reading music develops hand-eye coordination. 
Coordination - Piano lessons help students develop manual dexterity (Definition: Skill and grace in physical movement). 

Discipline - Through weekly piano lessons, consistent practice and performance, students graduate to a higher level of self-discipline. 
Creativity - Music inspires creative thinking and encourages children to explore their imagination. 

Memory Development - Memorizing music involves visual, aural, analytical, and kinesthetic (muscle) memory. 

Self-Confidence - Performing on the piano in front of a teacher, a family member, other students, or an audience instills confidence and helps a child to overcome shyness.

Self Esteem - Completing a difficult task, such as learning a new piece of music, can be very rewarding. This allows a piano student to feel good about what they have achieved. Knowing they are becoming a skilled pianist, while experiencing each accomplishment of learning a new piano piece, gives a child pride in themselves.

Sociability - Piano lessons encourage a child to reach out toward new friendships by sharing a mutual interest in piano or performing the piano in front of peers. Piano lessons help children to gain the confidence needed to grasp opportunities for social interactions. 

Satisfaction - The knowledge that their latest piano piece has been mastered, or their hardest Major scale has been conquered, teaches satisfaction in their achievements.

Improves Study Habits - Playing the piano is a step by step process which teaches a child to set goals and how to accomplish them. 
Gaining a Lifelong Skill - Once a student learns to simultaneously read music and play the piano, they may carry this skill and derive great enjoyment from it for life.

How to Efficiently Practice Piano

Learn to Practice More Efficiently: Faster Results in Less Time 
Without practice it is almost impossible for a student to continually improve at the piano. Here are some ideas that will help you get more out of your practice sessions. Remember, in the case of piano practice, it's about the QUALITY and QUANTITY of your practice sessions - One won't work without the other. 

Be Consistent
Practice every day if possible. Sticking with a routine will bring about improvement much faster and help you keep up your motivation to practice.

Spread out Practice Sessions: Less Time, More Sessions 
You will be more focused and get more out of your practice sessions if you spread them out and practice for less time, but more sessions. For example, try to practice 3x a day for 15 minutes instead of 1x a day for 45 minutes. When you practice for longer amounts of time you lose focus, get tired and practice becomes less effective.

Prepare Yourself before you Practice 
•Make sure your fingernails are trimmed and your hands are clean before practice. Also, get your hands warm so they will be more agile. 
•Make sure you aren't hungry or too tired. To get the most out of your time, you should be refreshed and ready with no distractions.

For warm-up, play your scales and arpeggios or review a piece you have mastered.

Study the Music Before You Begin
Be sure to study your music before you start. It will be much easier to learn if you are prepared by knowing all the important information about your piece. Check the Time Signature and the Key Signature. Look for any accidentals, and Time Signature or Key Signature changes. Figure out if any sections in the piece repeat themselves in other parts of the piece. Looking ahead should make your practice sessions a little easier.

Play a New Piece Hands Separately First
Playing hands separately first will help you to get to know what is coming before you play with both hands together. The piece will probably be less overwhelming once you are comfortable playing each part by itself.

Practice Slowly
Begin learning each new piece by playing slowly. It will take triple the time to get it right if you start out playing too fast. When you play too fast it's easier to miss mistakes. Once you can play the piece evenly and smoothly, gradually work up to the right speed. You won't get it right if you start out too fast, and it's never good to practice mistakes over and over again. 

Play Your Pieces in Sections
If you find yourself having problems in certain parts of your piece, try practicing just that measure by itself until you have mastered it. If a piece becomes overwhelming, try just playing the first page or first section until you have it down and then move on to the next part. You will be amazed at how easy the hard parts may become when you work on one hard measure at a time. 

Don't Keep Practicing the same Mistakes
Correct mistakes before they become bad habits. It is much harder to fix a mistake when you have practiced it over and over. Be sure to correct your mistakes the first time you notice them. Play the problematic measure by itself as many times as it takes to make it correct. Then play the piece again. 

Try New Pieces to Keep you Motivated
If you are losing the motivation to practice or if you are just tired of the pieces you always play, try picking out a new piece to start. Keep practicing the pieces you have been working on, but add something new that might break up the monotony of playing the same piece over and over for weeks or months.

Practice without Pedal
When you have the pedal down it's easier to miss mistakes. Learn your pieces without pedal first and they will sound better when you add the pedal back in.

Record Yourself
It is extremely beneficial to be able to hear yourself play in a recording. You will not only be able to hear mistakes you may have missed while playing, but you will also be able to hear how much you have improved as time goes by.

Try to enjoy it!
Have fun while you practice! Have a good attitude. If you are dreading practice and feeling negative, you won't play as well. Get excited about practicing something new or about mastering something you've already played. Try to set small goals so you know you will have accomplished something during each session. The more fun you have during practice sessions, the less you will dread them!

How to Practice Consistently

Practice Makes Perfect... 
Without practice it is almost impossible for a student to continually improve at the piano. Extra practice is extremely important for every piano student on the road to improvement. Although I can not be in your home to force or oversee a consistent practice schedule, I have implemented ways of increasing the likelihood of more frequent practice sessions and I have listed here some ideas on how to encourage practice without a fight.

How often should each student practice? 
Ideally, each student should practice at least once a day. I realize with our busy lives practice can be hard to fit in, but aiming for once a day usually ensures enough practice throughout the week.

No one Regrets Learning an Instrument 
How many people look back and wish their parents had forced them to play piano? Many of us started music lessons and didn't finish because our parents allowed us to quit or didn't force us to practice. I've met many people who regret quitting piano lessons, but none who regret sticking with it. I love to play now, but as a child I thought I didn't want to play and tried everything to get out of practicing. I will always be grateful that my parents encouraged me to play and never let me quit until I reached an age where I could take what I had already learned (the hard part) and choose what to do with that knowledge and talent.

Common Misconceptions 
A common misconception is that a parent should not have to force their child to practice or that a parent should not have to remind their child to practice. When a child complains about practice or doesn't practice without reminders (Ok, let's call it nagging) parents often misconstrue these normal behaviors as a sign that their child should quit piano because they weren't meant for it or don't love it enough. It is normal for children to avoid practice. Afterall, practice is hard! But as we all know, great accomplishments do not come easy. Practice can be grueling at times, but improvement in any instrument or at any activity requires hard work. Every student (and teacher!) has days where they don't feel like practicing, but we all do things we don't want to do when we are working towards something valuable. Getting your children to practice, even when they don't want to, is just one part of the process when your child is learning an instrument.

Parents often give up on piano because they are tired of resorting to constant nagging about practice, they notice their child suddenly seems uninterested in the piano, or they are worried they are pushing their own dreams on their child. Children go through stages… some months they love playing the piano and you won't even need to ask them to practice, and some months they are sick of it and feel it's just too hard. They will go back and forth a lot and there is nothing abnormal about this. Teaching a child to stick with something and take the committed route, through thick and thin, is an important life lesson. By using some of the tips below you may be able to avoid some of the nagging and add a sense of enjoyment and accomplishment to practicing!

Tips for Encouraging Consistent Practice

Below are some tips and common motivators to help get your child to practice piano. Remember different motivators work well for different people. The key is to figure out which motivators work the best with your child.

Follow their Weekly Practice Schedule:
At each piano lesson my students are given a detailed practice schedule, depending on skill level and age, to be followed at each practice session at home. The schedule lists each piano piece to be played, the number of times to play each piece and typically something fun and enjoyable to finish off with. I will also encourage your child to go beyond the practice schedule after their practice session is over, if they feel inspired. Because most children strive on consistency and structure, try to set aside a specific time each day for practice.

Use a Timer & Enforce a Daily Consistent Time Length:
Many of the parents of my most successful students use a timer to make sure their child gets in enough practice. Try to find a silent timer (without the constant clicking noise) and set it at the proper time length depending on your childs age and skill level. This is a great way to add structure to each daily practice session. Go over their practice schedule prior to a practice session and explain that they must play the practice schedule repeatedly until the timer runs out.

Use Rewards:
Bribery is a great motivator! If you don't want to spend your life savings on bribing your kids to practice (trust me, I know it gets expensive!) try offering up something they will likely be getting anyway: a cookie, their allowance, a trip to the park, whatever works. You can even use a future large present (summer camp, a sleepover, a toy they have always wanted, an animal) to motivate them to practice as they earn their reward over time. Make a chart and have them practice 6x a week for X amount of minutes for X amount of weeks and remind them they are working towards a goal to get {insert bribery item of choice}.

Use Consequences:
Set rules that they must practice before they engage in their favorite activities. Every child has something they normally get to do that they get excited about. It could be going out to play with friends or getting to watch their favorite TV shows. Set rules so that they know if they don't practice before the TV show or before they go out with their friends, they will have to miss out.

Give Praise & Encourage Opportunities for Performance:
People thrive on attention. The more praise you give the more your children will be excited about their piano skills and inspired to practice. Praise gives them a sense of accomplishment and lets them know all this hard work is really paying off. It is also important for each student to receive praise from people other than Mom & Dad. Children often assume their parents HAVE to praise them and are biased, so outside praise helps to solidify their sense of achievement. Have them play for friends and family who are visiting your house or arrange for them to play at the school talent show. When a student feels the thrill of playing for an audience and hearing their praises it can propel them forward and inspire them in ways you wouldn't believe.

I would let my child plays at thanksgiving dinner, Costco when they sell digital piano.

Point out the Benefits of gaining this Skill:
Learning the piano builds self confidence. When a child realizes that their new skill sets them apart from many of their peers it gives them a greater sense of self worth. Remind them that they are building a skill that many people will not have. Their classmates may be entirely impressed by their talent and have a greater respect for the student, especially when they learn to play the latest popular songs.

Remind them of the Fun they have playing their favorite pieces: 
Inevitably all students have some favorite pieces that they constantly go back to. They go back to play these pieces over and over because they find playing them is personally rewarding and they love the music. Remind them that although their newer pieces may seem hard and grueling to practice they might just end up your next favorite. All their favorite pieces started out very difficult. These may be the same. With lots of practice, they will soon be playing these hard pieces very easily out of sheer joy because they worked so hard towards that goal. 
